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Crystal Clear Spas Australia

Bringing your pool and spa closer to nature.


100% Chemical-free Pool and Spa Products.

Reducing and eliminating the need for toxic chemicals.


Crystal Clear Spas Australia

Chemical sensitivity? Irritable skin? We've got you covered with our all-natural water treatment products!




Our products are gentle on you, the environment and your hip pocket!

Low Cost

Crystal Clear Spas Water Purifiers reduces the amount of other chemicals and sanitisers often used in traditional pool and spa water maintenance. Saving you time and money!


Weekly, fortnightly or quarterly dosages rates. Plus our products make it simpler to balance the water in your pool or spa.

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Sparoma Spa Crystals

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Standard Spa

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Swim Spa

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Swimming Pool

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Water Testing

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Enjoy your spa
November 15, 2024

10 Reasons to use Crystal Clear Spas

Our customers love using Crystal Clear Spas in their pools and spas, but why? We…
Spa Maintenance
June 21, 2024

Getting your spa ready for the cooler months

Here at Crystal Clear Spas, we love using our spas all year round and especially…
Product Descriptions
March 30, 2024

Why choose Sparoma crystals for your spa?

What makes Sparoma crystals different to other spa crystals? Our small-batch mix means that your…
Dont Miss Out On this Ultimate guide to pristine spa water!

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Starter Kits

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Same Great Product

If you have come here looking for Clear Choice Australia, you are definitely in the right place!

We are still the same family-owned, West Australian business, that Australians have trusted to keep their pool and spas crystal clear for many years, we have just had a refresh and a name change.